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Come up with a good or funny explanation.


Travel mode 2-∞ players

Recommended 2-4 players

Each player always has at least 3 item cards (and/or whichever cards)

Players take turns picking an even card and using one of their items to come up with a clever explanation what could be done in the situation, other players decide if they get the point (if accepted player gets to keep the event card).

Round table 2-8 players

Recommended over 2 players

Each player always has at least 3 item cards (and/or whichever cards)

8 event cards are placed on a table in a circle formation

Players take turns going around the circle clockwise

When a player lands on a card they have to choose one of the items to come up with a clever explanation what could be done in the situation.

All on same bus mode 2-∞ players

A variation where all players are "all on the same bus", all players try come up with their best explanations and players decide who gets the point.

Dice game mode 2-∞ players

A variation to all modes where players have to throw the dice to decide what type of explanation they'll have to come up with

1: a true statement

2: a false statement

3: an event that has happened to the player

4: ...?

0.1+ rokua card images edited by zeezaa distributed individually with same license as image used.

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